Sylmasta devise a major pipe repair programme for an oil refinery after microbially induced corrosion left welded joints leaking throughout the water cooling system
Category: Oil & Gas
Gas Processing Plant Seawater Storage Tank Cracked Floor Repair
A gas plant in Saudi Arabia fill in cracks discovered in the rubber floor of a seawater storage tank which had left the concrete coating underneath dangerously exposed
Czech Republic Natural Gas Pipeline Protection Before Trenchless Pipe Installation
A natural gas pipeline is protected against potential scarring and impact damage ahead of being rerouted beneath a river and road via horizontal directional drilling
Chemical Plant Repair 350mm Steel Effluent Pipe Running Under Salt Marshes
A chemical plant accesses, excavates and repairs a leaking effluent pipe running under salt marshes and out to sea in an eight hour window whilst the tide was out
Oil Refinery Seawater Cooling System 3000mm GRP Return Pipe Leak Repair
An oil refinery avoid weeks of downtime awaiting installation of a new GRP seawater cooling system pipe by sealing several leaks in a repair completed in two days
Puerto Rico Power Station Cooling System Leaking Hydrogen Line Pipe Repair
A hydrogen line newly installed in a power station cooling system undergoes repair and reinforcement after it was found to be leaking from two joints 600mm apart
Saudi Arabia Oil Refinery 400mm GRP Pipeline External Surface Damage Repair
An oil refinery repair surface damage which had weakened a 400mm GRP pipe, strengthening and restoring the integrity of the line to lessen the chance of future leaks
Seawater Cooling System 1500mm Pipe Supply Line Leak Repair & Reinforcement
A seawater cooling line in Saudi Arabia undergoes repair and reinforcement after a snapped nozzle created a 50mm hole and a 5 metre vertical discharge of water
Libya Leaking Underground 200mm Fuel Oil Line 44 Bar Pressure Pipe Repair
An underground 200mm fuel line in Libya undergoes a leak repair pressure resistant to 44 bar after corrosion caused a crack to appear through which oil was escaping
Petrochemical Refinery 100mm Sulphuric Acid Line Pipe Elbow Reinforcement
A petrochemical refinery in Saudi Arabia reinforces an elbow on a 22 bar sulphuric acid line after it was discovered to have degraded to just 1mm thickness