Sylmasta AB Rapid is a fast working epoxy putty used in applications where quick pipe repair is required
Sylmasta AB Rapid is a fast working epoxy putty used in applications where quick pipe repair is required

Sylmasta AB Rapid 5 Minute Pipe Repair Epoxy Putty

Sylmasta AB Rapid 5 Minute is a ceramic-filled epoxy putty with a quick work time for fast repair in more complex pipe leak and surface restoration applications.

It combines the cure speed of Superfast Epoxy Putty with the strength and two-part format of AB Original. AB Rapid supplies much greater quantities (up to 50kg) of fast working Putty than is possible from a 114g Superfast Stick for use in large-scale applications.

AB Rapid seals larger holes and cracks in steel, iron, copper, PVC plastic, GRP, ceramic, concrete, lead, and rubber pipes. Where the exterior of a pipe has been damaged by corrosion or chemical attack, it repairs surface damage and rebuilds weakened areas for improved pipeline integrity.

It has good chemical resistance in aggressive environments and is available in white or black as standard. Further colour customisation is possible; please contact Sylmasta for more information.

AB Rapid contains no solvents or VOC’s, is non-flammable and releases no noxious fumes. It will not shrink or pull away when setting. The unused portion stays fresh for future use when saved in its original package.

For applications which require a longer work time or working in warmer climates, please see Sylmasta AB Original Epoxy Putty. AB Original has a two-hour work time, removing the threat of premature curing. It is also used for underwater repairs.


How to make fast pipe repairs with Sylmasta AB Rapid 5 Minute

AB Rapid comes in two parts and is applied by hand. Part A and Part B are kneaded together in even quantities by weight or volume until turning a uniform colour to indicate successful mixing.

Whilst soft, AB Rapid is pushed into holes and cracks in pipework, where it will harden to seal leaks. For repairing surfaces, the putty is smoothed over areas of damage, curing to restore pipeline integrity.

AB Rapid has a work time of 5 minutes. A full cure is achieved in 24 hours. Once cured, the Epoxy Putty can be tapped, drilled, screwed, sawed, machined, ground, filed, or painted, to create a seamless finish uniform with the pipe undergoing repair.

To reinforce repairs made with AB Rapid, Sylmasta recommend overwrapping the Epoxy Putty with a SylWrap HD Pipe Repair Bandage. The Bandage offers a rock hard, impact resistant layer of protection.


  • Complex leak and damage repair to pipes of all materials in industrial and domestic settings
  • Restoring integrity and surface profile by rebuilding areas of damage caused by corrosion and other environmental factors, increasing outer pipeline thickness
  • Sealing and encapsulation of leaking joints


  • Fast work time for making rapid repairs
  • Easy to apply and provides ultra smooth finish
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Can be custom-made to colour match a specific repair

Technical Data

Working Time:
5 minutes at 20°C.

Full Cure:
24 hours.

Application Temperature:
+5°C to +35°C

Service Temperature:
-20°C to +120°C continuous.
-20°C to +150°C intermittent (dry).

Shore D Hardness:

Tensile Strength:
24 MPa.

Compressive Strength:
80 MPa.

Lap Sheer Strength:
7.6 MPa (steel).

Full TDS Downloads

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