A 50mm crack left during the plumbing in of a toilet waste pipe undergoes repair using Sylmasta AB Epoxy Putty

Toilet Waste Pipe Connection & Crack Repair During Bathroom Renovations

When a hole cut during renovation work into a bathroom floor through which the toilet waste pipe connected to the sewer was discovered to be too big, the subsequent 50mm crack left around the base of the pipe required repair to complete the plumbing in of the toilet.

Case Study Overview

Site Bathroom
Location UK
Pipe Type Toilet waste
Repair Type Crack repair
Products Sylmasta AB Original Epoxy Putty

Pipe Defect

The renovations to the bathroom involved the toilet being moved to a new location. To prepare for the move, the contractors carrying out the work cut a hole in the floor where the toilet was to connect with the sewer.

When the pipe was fitted in place, it was discovered that this hole was too big. Gapping was left all the way around between the base of the pipe and the floor, extending to a 50mm crack at its widest point.

The contractors wanted a straightforward way to fill the gaps so that the plumbing in of the toilet could be completed with little disruption to the renovation project.

A toilet waste pipe suffering a crack between the base and a bathroom floor before being repaired with Sylmasta AB Epoxy Putty
Large gapping between the base of the pipe and the bathroom floor needed to be filled

SylWrap Solution

Sylmasta AB Original Epoxy Putty was selected for the application because of its hard wearing, waterproof properties. It was calculated that around 1kg of AB Original would be required and this was delivered to site.

The two-hour work time of AB Original meant more of the putty could be mixed in one go and greater care taken during the application without the threat of premature curing. This enabled the contractors to work at a reasonable pace.

Once the Putty had been mixed and whilst still soft, it was pushed into the gapping between the waste pipe and the floor. As the Putty was applied, it was smoothed off using a little water and a filling knife and left to harden.

Completed repair of a cracked toilet waste pipe fixed using Sylmasta AB Original Epoxy Putty
The completed repair with the crack successfully sealed


A full cure was achieved in 24 hours, leaving the crack permanently sealed with a waterproof material sharing similar properties to the bathroom floor. Cured AB Original can be tapped, drilled, screwed, sawed, machined, ground, filed and painted

The renovation was able to continue with virtually no disruption to the timeframe. The contractors were also pleased about the cost-effectiveness of the repair.

Follow Up

When the time later came for the installation of a new bathroom floor as part of the renovation process, AB Original was able to withstand all subsequent building processes.

Products Used

AB Original Epoxy Putty
Hard wearing, waterproof epoxy putty with long work time for filling large gaps

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If you have an application you would like to enquire about, then please get in touch

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