Bahrain International Airport 100mm UPVC Pipe Step Joint Live Leak Repair
The maintenance team at Bahrain International Airport needed a live leak repair method capable of sealing a leaking step joint on a 100mm UPVC pipe to avoid having to shut down a critical system whilst a replacement part was fitted.
Case Study Overview
Site International Airport
Location Bahrain
Pipe Type 100mm UPVC
Repair Type Live leak repair
Products Wrap & Seal Pipe Burst Tape, SylWrap HD Pipe Repair Bandage

Pipe Defect
Solvent cement bonds connecting two sections of the 100mm UPVC pipeline together had begun to weaken, allowing water to seep out through a step joint.
The pipe could not be shut off for a repair or replacement because of the importance of the airport system which it was a part of.
This also meant that the normal repair method for a leaking step of plugging the gap between pipe and joint using an epoxy putty would not be effective because flow could be not be isolated.
SylWrap Solution
Wrap & Seal Pipe Burst Tape therefore had to be used to seal the leak. Sealing a leaking step joint using Tape is not as straightforward as repairing a straight section of pipe and so Sylmasta provided technical advice to the airport maintenance team ahead of the application.
To create a repair capable of sealing the gap from where water was leaking, wrapping began some 100mm away from the joint with a 50 percent overlay.
Once the Wrap & Seal had been worked towards the joint, layers of Tape were then built up immediately next to the step, creating a ridge.
When this ridge reached near-level height with the step, the application of Wrap & Seal continued for a further 50mm across the step to encompass the whole joint.
Two 50mm x 4m Tapes were required before it was established that no more water was escaping from the pipe. Multiple Wrap & Seals fuse to each other in the same way as a single tape amalgamates, forming a solid rubber band which in the case covered the entire joint.
A SylWrap HD Pipe Repair Bandage completed the application. SylWrap is a composite repair wrap with a water activated resin which sets rock hard in minutes.
The Bandage was wrapped around a large section of the pipe and smoothed down using water poured from a bottle above. Once cured, SylWrap provided an impact resistant layer of protection to further reinforce the initial repair.
Completing the repair took less than 30 minutes whilst the system remained fully operation, meaning that there was no impact to operations at the airport.
The two Wrap & Seals and SylWrap HD Bandage were supplied to the maintenance team as part of a SYL-PRO-633 Pipe Repair Contractor Case.
A Contractor Case contains enough products to make up to six live leak repairs on pipes of all types and diameters. It is easy to store on-site and transport, ensuring that everything needed to fix a leaking pipe is close to hand for making repairs as soon as problems are identified.
Follow Up
Following the success of the 100mm UPVC pipe repair, the maintenance team have since gone onto use Contractor Cases to fix 150mm and 200mm pipes suffering from similar problems.
The airport have expressed their delight at having such a quick and easy repair method for fixing leaking pipes when such issues have caused disruption in the past.
Products Used
Wrap & Seal Pipe Burst Tape
Self-fusing silicone repair tape for sealing leaks when water cannot be turned off
SylWrap HD Bandage
Water-activated wrap sets rock hard to reinforce repairs and protect pipelines
Pipe Repair Contractor Case
Easy-to-store case with enough products to make up to six emergency pipe repairs
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